LOL(Lots of laughter) & LMAO(Laughing my ass off)
"LOL(lots of laughter)" "LMAO(laughing my ass off)" a popular abbreviation people use on Social Media to express their selves when they want to give the impression that they are laughing... But after much investigation the report on my table shows if 100 people should use the phrase "LOL" or "LMAO"... Only 10% are actually laughing... 15% wearing a smile... 40% have a straight face... 25% wearing a frown, d remaining 10% don't understand or give a damn about the update, post, pics etc. After much research & investigations i (Zinny-girl genius) have come to the conclusion that 5% people use dose abbreviation (LOL&LMAO) because there isn't any other abbreviation they could use to express themselves,5% are truthful, 25%use it just 2 make d other person feel cool wit him/her self, 15% so as not 2 hurt people's feelings, 45% use it cos its a "COOL" thing to say So i (Zinny- girl genius) came up wit suitable phrases(a...